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The Doctor Returns!

I am very pleased to say that Dr. Pheelgud Phixwright has returned to Sagacity.


I hope I can be forgiven for an absence that has been far, far too long. The last several months have seen an incredible increase in those dreaded "demands of the real world," As we all know, these things must be attended to.

Every now and then I speak with a young man who if I understand him correctly, envisions the "perfect slave" as an ultra high tech android. As close as I can determine, this android would represent a significant improvement upon those seen in the movie, "I, Robot," Over the last few months, I have come to appreciate some (not all) aspects of this young man’s point of view.

My precious slave and I have recently moved from two separate apartments in the city to a lovely townhouse in the suburbs. The process of moving had many aspects I would have appreciated being handled by an android. How lovely it would have been to have an android spend an entire night or two scouring the back lanes of the city for dumpsters that had the proper cardboard boxes for moving and gathering those boxes. An android would have proven very useful when it came to properly packing and labeling all of those boxes for two households. An android or two or three would have been useful for loading all the boxes and furniture into a moving van and driving the van to the new location. I could have then contacted "Molly Android" to look after the cleaning of the two vacated apartments and the new townhouse. All three androids upon arrival at the new location would have had a synchronized unpacking exercise which put everything in its place. An android could automatically contact all of the digital databases we each are a part of and have the change of address done instantly.

Moving into any new place means there are chores to be done regarding the physical structure. An android would be very useful here. How useful it would be to simply send the android off to Home Depot knowing that it would return in one trip, with absolutely the correct things required to address every issue and then proceed to address them and get everything done right the first time.

Living in a townhouse means that I now have a very few square metres of land to look after. This is wonderful since as my readers know, I do enjoy a bit of gardening. I have thought of how an android could be of assistance in this area. The last several weeks have seen me engaged in a full offensive against the dandelion. I have decreed that my domain will be a dandelion-free zone. An android could be useful in this endeavour. An android could apply laser beams to any sprouting dandelion. Yes, there could be uses for a household android. Needless to say, if such an android were ever created, it would only be responsive to the dominant’s voice commands. That would be required in order to maintain the proper order of things in the dominant's universe. When the household android was not following the dominant's orders, it could occupy itself with something useful like making sure the computers within the domain were working perfectly.

Of course in my opinion, no android could ever replace my loving slave. Only a loving slave can turn a house into a warm, lovely home. Only a loving slave can fully provide the caring and attention that this dominant requires and expects.