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Orgasms on Command

As I was enjoying the morning sunrise this fine summer’s day, a rather persistent knock was heard at my door.

I wondered who could be arriving so early at my abode and what would cause them to do so? I opened the door to find a Fedex delivery person with an envelope addressed to me. I quickly signed for the envelope and thanked the delivery person. When I closed the door, I thought about the possible contents of the envelope. When one ships by Fedex, the contents and speedy delivery are most important. Upon opening the envelope and reading the contents, I found that indeed there is a matter of great importance to be dealt with.

The writer has informed me of a question that is causing a stir through Sagacity. It seems this question requires a definitive answer quickly. Can a submissive or slave be trained to have orgasms on command? The answer to this question is not a simple one. The writer spoke exclusively of the female submissive or slave. I will attempt to answer in kind.

The orgasm of the submissive is an intense personal thing. It requires attention first be paid to the setting and background. Physiologically, there are unanswered questions surrounding it. Emotionally, there are even more unanswered questions. The important thing is that it exists in all of its glory. In my opinion, the submissive at times allows her orgasm to be a celebration and vibrant symbol of her submission to her Master. There can be no fault with this. The submissive links one of the most intense personal pleasures directly to serving her Master or Mistress as the case may be.

The esteemed members of Sagacity are well aware that the definitions of the terms of submission can be as wide and varied as the definitions of human beings. Further, even if the terms of submission are set down with pen and paper, they are a dynamic thing. Many submissives and slaves pre-occupy themselves with thoughts of how they can serve their Masters even better than they already are. This is a very common thing to be commended. They strive to show their submission and enslavement in a wide variety of intensely personal ways.

Some submissives and slaves have reported the ability to transform the Master’s desire for her to have an orgasm directly into the actual orgasm. A simple word from the Master may be all that is required. Does such ability actually exist? Is it fact or is it fiction? Can such a claim survive the rigors of the scientific method? All we have is anecdotal evidence. It goes without saying that the environment for such a thing to happen must be correct both physically and much more importantly, emotionally. The evidence suggests that this ability serves to further enhance the relationship.

It must be stated in the strongest terms that the existence of such ability is not any sort of milestone. It is not something that must be strived for. If it exists, it exists. Its presence or absence is no reflection on the quality, depth, or intensity of the relationship. This is not some sort of goal post. Don’t get caught up in this. We have seen in the past people get caught up in the “G-Spot” thing or the “sub-space” thing. There is no competition with this. Competing to attempt to orgasm on command is just as silly as a bunch of dominants competing to see who has the fanciest single tail technique.

Please re-read the last paragraph at least once. If a dominant finds that his submissive or slave does have the ability to orgasm at his command, it may be an overwhelming experience for him at first. At the core of the dominant’s brain, the amygdala is quietly going into overload with sensation. This is perfectly normal. It can take a bit of time to fully process all that is being perceived. Take that time. The dominant should make an effort to re-gain control of his ego. It may take a day or two. Use the dominant’s quality of patience to understand what is being given. Appreciate it, don’t exploit it.

It is important for dominants to also realize that this is no milestone. I can imagine nothing more ludicrous that some pompous, self-righteous, self-anointed dominant declaring to a group that his slave or submissive orgasms on his command. Perhaps there is one thing, that same dominant then proceeding to demonstrate his ability before the masses. In my opinion, what the dominant is actually demonstrating is that he is no more than a profound jerk who probably does not deserve the submissive who would attempt to make him look good.

In summary, if the ability to orgasm on command does exist in a relationship, its proper place is strictly between the partners of that relationship. The existence or non-existence of such ability in and of itself means absolutely nothing. The only important thing as always is the relationship.