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The Great Pirate Adventure

The Great Pirate Adventure

My summer has flown by and now fall has settled in. It’s been a long time since I’ve written and I feel far behind in most matters, but particularly in writing!

Where have I been? Among the many places I landed over the summer was at an event that I’ve heard about and was finally able to attend this year called The Great Pirate Adventure!!!

I’ve been to huge kink events, I’ve been to small events. I’ve been to poorly run events and great ones too, it runs the gamut – but I must say, The GPA is the most unique event I’ve been to yet. There is no one in North America throwing these kinds of events with kink in mind.

Now getting there is the thing, but the good news is that once you’re there, you stake your land claim and don’t have to leave for a few days. The event was held on Gabriola Island. The weather completely cooperated, though there was a chill in the air at night and I was glad to have thought of something warmer to wear at night until it was time to slip into my sleeping bag.

I arrived later than I wanted to. I’d taken an earlier ferry but as I had my car I decided to explore the island. I also stopped at the store and then the liquor store, then for something to eat and took my time. By the time I got there, many folks were already there partying.

The tents were already set up, or at least mine was – and I was most grateful for that. All of the tents were located near a cabin – and I believe there were six or seven cabins. The cabins had bedrooms, a bathroom or two, and a shower all for sharing.

I did observe a few things. Some cabins – though I only went into a couple of them, were more friendly than others. By that I mean that I did visit one cabin that seemed to have a party going on from about 8am until 2 or 3am. I must say that these people got their monies worth. Others seemed surprised to see anyone they didn’t know very well.

Friday night started with a Dom Auction which wasn’t terribly lively. As I know from attending events, the more well known you are as a Dominant or as a submissive, the higher the price, unless you’re uncommonly good looking. I must say that I wasn’t much impressed with the Dominants being offered, however I wasn’t interested in buying one either. That passed along well, but more on auctions in a bit.

Once that wrapped up, Panty Wrestling began. Once again, I can’t recall a kink related event that I’ve been to that featured Panty Wrestling, ever. A few years ago I had a girlfriend that used to love to wrestle as a warm up to rough sex. While I can’t say that I view myself as a violent person, I can say that in the context of sex, and in the context of completely consensual acts, I must say that the struggle to take someone sexually is quite torrid.

I digressed – sorry, I was fantasizing on your time dear reader!

Sex wasn’t part of this equation - at least not then and there. The object was to remove the panties of the person in the ring with you. There were a few rules, and the event was complete with a referee and a round chick.

The round chick made me laugh. It took me back to the days when my Father would watch boxing, and I swear to this day he could care less about boxing, but he always wanted to see the hot round chick, carrying the round number and wiggling her ass.

And once again I digress – the person who made the Panty Wrestling event work was the referee, a person of dubious distinction named something like Captain Bloody Canker or something truly distasteful. The Captain spoke and dressed a lot like Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. The imitation was complete with the swishing hips, the lisp, and that slightly drunken sway. As for the wrestlers I was much more interested in the women as I assumed women would be hotter because well, I’ve been thinking a lot about women of late. As it turns out, the men were better, certainly less fearless. There was one chap – a smaller guy who literally would launch himself like a lion on a gazelle onto his opponents back. While it never helped him win, it was very entertaining! I have to say that I haven’t laughed so hard in my life. I did look around at some point and I think that most people were in their chairs, huddled around the ring laughing with me. Well, winners were given their prizes, and most people wandered off to play.

I suppose that if I had one complaint it was that the play space was too small. I did hear a few complaints of those wishing to play. Many people played in cabins as the floor space in the cabins allowed for more room.

The sex tent up on the knoll had no visitors and no lights on Friday night. Perhaps there was too much for people to see and experience.

On Saturday there were two times available for getting on a boat for short trip out to an island for a bit of frolicking. I didn’t go. I had a bit of a headache though lucky me, I ended up passing the time in the company of a woman that has turned my head, and I nursed my hangover headache so I could resume full partying mode by the evening.

In the evening there was a slave auction. Watching was more fun than buying as the competition for slaves was heated at times with bids going very high. I’m sure it’s my preference but I found the Dom auction the night before a bit of a bore, while the slave auction had much higher prices and lots more competing among Dominants for the best of the bunch.

In time a spanking line was set up. Sort of a clothes line hung not with clothes but with those willing to be spanked. I watched a while and well, I had to take a swat or two or ten at those in line. I was pleased to see both men and women in the line; clearly some were enjoying themselves more than others. I’d have to say that it was successful as while the line was moving, people were laughing and having a great time.

And as for play, there was just tons of action. Whips, paddles, floggers, single tails (there are a lot of people that use a single tail in this group), needles, waxing, caning. I have to say that if people weren’t in the food line they were playing or having a great time in small groups.

At some point I staggered up the hill to the sex tent as there was a lot of carrying on up there. I apparently just missed some shenanigans there as when I arrived there was a couple on the bed and the crowd inside had quieted substantially. They were having a great time, but I didn’t stay to see the money shot.

I moved in and out of cabins and watched those in the play room, chatted and drank.

By the time packing up time arrived on Sunday I was just knackered. I was done in but yet I didn’t want it to end either. I’m going next year.

The place where this was held was really great and I imagine that there is difficulty finding a spot that will take a group of rowdy kinky folks and house them for a couple of nights. I’d love a spot right on the beach as I’d love a walk-the-plank scene, however again I understand finding anyplace may be a challenge.

There were tons of bees and wasps. Tons you say? Yes, bazillions. I don’t like the little bastards and the food line was treacherously full of them. I have exactly zero idea on how to control them and perhaps that’s possible and perhaps not. I realize we were outdoors and certainly expect bugs and flies and the occasional bee/wasp but at times it seemed there were just millions of them and it was a deterrent at times for being outside on the grass.

Overall I can complain about very little. I’ll be back!

Very truly yours,

Isabelle Channing