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All About Isabelle

Isabelle Channing's Biography

I have something of a writing background although very few people are aware of it. I’ve actually spent the last several years journaling and writing introspective and/or pornographic thoughts for my eyes only. Before that I’ve had some of my articles and reviews published in places you’ve likely perused. I’m qualified to write about the things I've done, places I've been to, and things I've seen because I have brains and an opinion and will actually write about my experiences rather than just talk about writing ‘some day’ like so many of you do. Want to become a writer? Start by being a big reader of a variety of subjects.

I have years of experience in the BDSM lifestyle and almost all of my significant relationships are related to kink in some form or fashion. I get my thrills from riding the wave of ecstasy either by hurting people or erotically teasing them to exhaustion or sometimes a combination of both, followed by torrid and sometimes rough sex. I consider myself bi-sexual, and rather than struggle with that I embrace it and love that I don't have to choose. I feel more well rounded having experienced both.

I struggle with relationships. Trust and commitment don’t come easy to me and I don’t do monogamy well and therefore have relationships and/or play only with people that totally understand (though maybe not appreciate) my needs. In my world I have little tolerance for those that can’t see the usefulness and beauty in both genders even if they aren’t attracted to both genders.

I have a small circle of very close friends that I trust and love and I’m fortunate to be graced with that same love and trust in return. I’m the social acquaintance of many people, but in truth I know only a few very well and most people don’t know me as well as they might think.
Beyond kink I live a full life, and I don’t believe in limiting my spectrum or dedicating my entire life to kink. I know people that claim by living kink 24/7 that it is their entire life; however I find them one-dimensional and unremarkable.

In my private life I read literary greats and cheap fiction. I like old movies, new movies, movies that make you think and I still laugh at the Three Stooges. I appreciate intense discussion and varying viewpoints (until you piss me off that is) and enjoy pouring over current events and discussing issues with others that are knowledgeable about the world. I greatly enjoy a wide variety of music and live theater. I love to laugh and most days can see the humour in most things. I have a temper once pushed, and I don't shy away from telling people exactly what I think. Upon occasion, surprisingly enough, I struggle with keeping my foot out of my mouth.

I'm a fitness enthusiast; however that doesn't mean that I look like a model – quite the opposite - I live in reality. I love pushing myself physically and endurance counts for something with me. I have to couple that with my love for very good food and the occasional over-indulgence of alcohol.

I work a full-time, average-paying, stressful job that can consume me at times. Kink is my way out. It gives me an entirely different focus and helps me gain perspective. A great, intense scene both exhausts and restores my balance. In my fantasy life, I'll win lotto, quit my job, and will actually live the lifestyle of a rich-but-never-famous woman where wondrous men and women serve me constantly and I throw lavish parties that everyone wants to be invited to.

My anonymity means much to me. I won't write to make anyone else happy. I don't need to or wish to curry favors and then feel obliged to write favorable reviews or write about a subject I'm not passionate about.

Most Sincerely Yours,

Isabelle Channing