July 6, 2004
People can be like Tim Horton donuts. People can choose to let themselves be lumped together with dozens of other folks in clear plastic worlds of mediocrity. The same thoughts, the same look, the same ideas. There’s safety in that...a sure feeling that someone will always want to add you to their boxed dozen because you conform and look “right.” Security in knowing that you won’t ever be left on the shelf because you’re a little smaller, a little bigger, have a little less icing then the guy next to you. I would have been pleased to be a Tim Horton donut before they changed their ways. A little out of round maybe or lacking a bit of apple in my fritter...fresh every day and filled with an amazing array of jellies on any given day. That’s what Tim’s donuts used to be about. That’s what I want to be about. I don’t want to be a Tim Horton donut anymore. I am done with Tim Horton donuts. I don’t want to be one of a perfect dozen. I don’t want to give up the danger of not being chosen in favour of being eaten by someone that could care less about my unique attributes and reduces my specialness to a few bites and a swallow. I guess that’s what kink is about. You might not go home in someone’s dozen. You might not be as attractive as the donut next to you. That won’t change the fact that you are fresh, delicious, and one-of-a-kind. And to a true connoisseur, that makes all the difference in the world. |