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Letter to the Editor - 2008/04/08

Letter to the editor of a number of papers about the BDSM rights issue before the Human Rights Tribunal.

Victoria BC,



Dear Editor,


We are following with rapt attention an important matter decided recently in the BC Court of Appeals ( and

Although we applaud the serious consideration of BDSM as a sexual orientation, our personal knowledge of Mr. Hayes gives us serious pause. BDSM is an important part of our lives, and the foundation of the Sagacity Alternative Lifestyle Society, our organization based in Victoria, BC. It has nothing to do with Paganism (a religion), or Akakor (a mythical city of which Mr. Hayes claims to be King). Sagacity is largely a group of mainstream people that tend not to advertise personal choices in public, and are not necessarily represented by this kind of very public fringe. Our concern is that Mr. Hayes and his somewhat varied values and interests may create a detrimental, rather than positive, image of the BDSM lifestyle.

We, and many of the members of our organization, are happy to support this cause. Sagacity represents hundreds of participants and practitioners of BDSM, for whom it is a sexual orientation and lifestyle. We personally, and Sagacity as an organization, will support this case before the BC Human Rights Tribunal. Let's all focus on the rights issue, not the individuals.


Sam Quinn

Cliff Quinn
Sagacity Alternative Lifestyle Society