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Sagacity Events

We may not do a lot these days, but we do, we do damn well!

With the exception of Esoteric Exchange (EE), Sagacity no longer holds regular events, however, check back in once in a while, or get on our mailing list to get information about plans we have for a few exciting things! For all Sagacity information, please contact .


Domlander 2016 was our last Sell-Out Fetish Farce Competition!



The Times Colonist loves us! Check out the Domlander article on the front page of the Lifestyles section Friday, 20th of March 2016. See what the woman in the conservative black sweater has to say, and what Adrian Chamberlain thinks about kink in Victoria.


Esoteric Exchange

Esoteric Exchange (EE) was a small, bi-monthly gathering for folks who felt the need to include their mind in their play. Folks that have to try to keep their BDSM alive while dealing with work, family, and other vanilla responsibilities. Folks who are new to this lifestyle and folks that have been around for years. All ages (19+) and all proclivities. Each week there is was specific topic that was announced in advance.

Sagacity Birthday

Sagacity's birthday is officially the 14th of November. Ladyfish and Fisherman are celebrating by staying home this year, but watch for us again! Exciting things are planned.