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My Precious jewel


And in the darkness two hearts beat, separated
Content to beat behind their walls of fear, doubt, and loneliness

Keeping the world at the distance hurt creates
Beating safely behind their walls

The Universe, in a bizarre twist of fate, thrust the two hearts together

They beat separately - opposing each other
But slowly and in time the hearts began to beat together

Softly at first, over time
the beating of the two hearts became louder, stronger, more together

Until the beating of the two hearts became so powerful
their walls failed, crumbled, collapsed

Revealing that the two hearts, finally exposed to each other
were not two different hearts
but two halves of the same heart

And as they reunited
the beating of the One Heart rose to be so powerful, so deafening

That the Universe knew that even It
could never oppose the love of the One Heart

My darling precious jewel, I love you - and yes, you did inspire every word.
Love, Master