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Enslaved Romantic

Victoria III

Oh Romeo, my sweet and damaging Romeo;
How I love your firm grip on my delicate throat,
Squeezing the very breath from without my life,
Shoving me down to meet your desires.
My promised God of Carnage and Carnality;
I worship at the Sanguine Throne that you abide
On naked knees, in shards of broken glass,
Until the blood beneath me congeals to a paste.
The tender redness of my bottom is the best proof
Of your most loving and unyielding punishments,
And my tear stained face is the gift I bestow
In full bow at your feet, My Liege.
Wretched, I beg for your faithless mercy
And live only to serve your darkest purposes.
My sweet and devouring King;
Take me to your precipice for tethering to the
Stone that awaits our hostile passions,
And leave me to anticipate the Red Dragon of your
savage embrace.